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Animal Communicator • Intuitive • Grief Transformation Guide

Elizabeth and Alfie

Upcoming Events

Monthly classes designed to give you insights and tools to help you understand and build deeper relationships with your pet.

Soul Contracts & Soul Connections with Your Animals

Wednesday, July 24, 2024    7 PM ET

Our animals come to us to help guide and teach us in our lifetimes, and often they get our attention in ways that we label unwanted or "bad" behaviors.
Not understanding that we share soul contracts with our animals, human guardians are unaware of the deep importance of soul contracts.
Being open to receiving the messages our animals are always sending up deepens our connection with them on the soul level.

What You Will Learn:

  1. Understanding Soul Contracts with our animals
  2. Exploring the deep Soul Connections we share with our animals, and realizing they are here as our teachers and guides
  3. How behaviors, situations and even illnesses are tied to the Soul Contracts we share with our animals
  4. Exploring how our animals help us heal emotional wounds and facilitate personal transformation
  5. Navigating agreements with your animal through Animal Communication
Who Will Benefit From This Session?
This event is for animal guardians who feel and know they share a special bond with their pets; people who consider their animals a member of their family; animal guardians who want to deepen the relationship they share with their pets
A Recent Story:

"I had a most amazing session with Elizabeth. Like mind-blowingly, amazing. And while I suspected she would be great at what she does after meeting her, I was truly blown away by the impact her work had on me. Connecting with the souls/spirits of my feathered loves brought me such deep peace, knowing and messages that I clearly needed to hear. My session with Elizabeth was just what I needed and I am so grateful for her beautiful gift!! "

                         ~ Heather O’Neil

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(617) 335-4891

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