Meet Elizabeth
Animals have always been a huge part of my life. For me, there has been an intuitive knowing with the animals, which has been natural and easy. From a very early age, I shared a special connection with them, and could “hear” them talking to me (which made my Mom think I was “crazy”).
But it wasn’t until Olivia, my soul dog, bounded into my life that I truly began to understand how animals come to us as our guides and wisdom teachers.
Devastating Loss
Close to a decade ago, in a relatively short period of time, I suffered significant losses of loved ones, both humans and animals. My Father and my best friend Marisa, my oh-so-cool-cat Picaso, Olivia’s siblings Max and Abby, and then finally Olivia.
Olivia. My soul dog. My constant companion. A constant light during very dark times. My rock through so much loss. Was now gone herself …

Heartbreaking Grief
…and it felt like the weight of that grief was going to crush me.
Comfort did not come in the form of friends’ love or well wishes, cards, flowers, dinner invitations. Nor did relief come from sleep, a busy work schedule, or caring for my aging Mom.
I woke up crying, I went to bed crying, and I struggled not to burst into tears at any given point throughout the day. It hurt to breathe, I felt empty, lonely, sad, angry. I was drowning in my dark abyss of grief, and I did not know how to break free from its cold, icy grip.
A Transformational Meditation
Back then, I was relatively new to the concept of meditating. I hadn’t really developed a practice; and truthfully, mostly just fell asleep whenever I would attempt to “quiet my mind”.
But, I couldn’t sleep one night, and I was desperate to try anything to soothe the hurt my heart was experiencing. I felt compelled to meditate, or at least give it a try.
I sat on the floor, with a candle lit next to Olivia’s picture, clutching her collar to my heart. As the tears were streaming down my face, I thought I heard someone telling me to breathe slowly, more deliberately. After a few minutes of this, I heard her.
A faint, soft voice “I’m still here …. I haven’t gone anywhere.”
At first, it felt like my exhausted mind was just playing tricks on me. But, I didn’t really care, because it was the first time in a month that I had felt any sense of comfort with the grief I was feeling.

Joy Filled Connection
So, quite literally overnight, I became a huge believer in meditation, mostly because it opened the channels that allowed me to connect with Olivia.
At first, it was hard to believe that it was truly her, but as the days and weeks went by, I started “hearing” her more and more throughout the day, not just in mediation. I started asking questions and learning about what really happens when our animals leave this physical world.
I started to trust that she was, in fact, still with me, just in a different way than what I was used to.
I came to understand that she didn’t really “die”, she transitioned from one form to another, from physical to Spirit.
And in time, my grief was transformed into love and joy.
My Soul’s Purpose
It is such a profound honor to guide and support people as they navigate the grief over the loss of their animal.
My sincere intention is that you feel hope in knowing that there is a way through the darkness of this loss.
My purpose is to help you bridge the connection to your animal’s Spirit, and help you find comfort in knowing that their love is always there.