As an Animal Communicator and Intuitive, I am deeply honored to be able to communicate with your animal on such a profound level. My intent is to provide a conduit for your animal to communicate their feelings, along with any messages they may have for you.
My hope is that every communication will allow both you and your animal (whether alive or in Spirit) the opportunity to connect on a deeper level, strengthening the bond between both.
All appointments are conducted via phone. If you would like to record your session, please sign up for FreeConferenceCall.com and provide the call-in details to me no later than 24 hours prior to our scheduled appointment. Please verify that all links work, and that you are familiar with the instructions on recording the call.
I offer several options below to choose from —please select the one that you would like and process payment through the PayPal link. Once I receive confirmation of payment, I will contact you within 24 hours via email to schedule our session.
(*Please note, if this is an emergency—i.e. a sick animal or one getting ready to cross The Rainbow Bridge, please process payment and send me an email at eew@elizabethewallace.com with EMERGENCY in the subject line. Indicate your availability for the day and I will reach out to you as quickly as possible.)
60 minute session …… $150
This session works best for the following:
- Grief Transformation…connecting with animals in Spirit
- Soul Contract Exploration …. identifying the messages and guidance your animals wish to share with you and exploring the reasons they are in your life
- Multiple Animals … connecting with 2 or more animals with whom you share your life

30-minute session ……. $115
This session works best for the following:
- Specific Issues …. Addressing behavioral or health-related issues, discussing an upcoming move or the addition of a new family member (human or animal)