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Animal Communicator • Intuitive • Grief Transformation Guide


“Until one has loved an animal,
a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”
                                         -Anatole France

About Animal Communication

How would you like:

  • To know your animal is no longer suffering or in pain
  • Answers to questions, such as is my animal ok on the other side?
  • To ease doubt or guilt about a decision to euthanize a sick or elderly animal
  • To know the signs that your animal is sending you
  • A heartfelt connection to your animal’s love and guidance

I am deeply honored to help guide and support you through this process as an Animal Communicator.

Alfie, whose sweet gentle soul reminds me to live in the moment every day
Alfie, whose sweet gentle soul reminds me to live in the moment every day
Call Us At

(617) 335-4891

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